宝马骑士非洲行 - Sama Tours - 2008/06

Sama Tours interview by Weekend Weekly Sama Tours interview by Weekend Weekly Sama Tours interview by Weekend Weekly Sama Tours interview by Weekend Weekly

- 新假期周刊访问

新假期周刊为香港畅销旅游消闲杂志, 拿下九连冠, 读者逾28万人次。 今年四月, 新假期以南非为主题介绍, 內容包括新奇刺激的行程。 在约翰尼斯堡的介绍正就是宝马骑士非洲行产品。

在宝马机车上, 杂志的记者、摄影师及模特儿开始其勇士之旅, 以时速120公里游遍了首都比勒陀利亞的景色, 文化村的风土人情及狮子园的探索。 风驰电掣的穿梭于约翰尼斯堡市, 是一种刺激的体验。


Sama Tours
– Weekend Weekly Interview

Weekend Weekly is the best selling travel and leisure magazine in Hong Kong for 9 consecutive years. Recently, they continue to be the highest circulated travel and leisure magazine in Hong Kong, with audience reaching a new record high of 281,404 (Synovate Media Atlas Hong Kong 2007 Q2 – 2008 Q1). In April, Weekend Weekly has featured South Africa as a fun and exciting destination, introducing new and adventurous ways to explore South Africa. In Johannesburg, Weekend Weekly has interviewed and experienced Sama's Motorcycle Tour. The reporting crew including their reporter, photographer, model etc have started their adventurous tour on the BMW motorcycle. At a speed of 120km per hour, they visited the scenic capital - Pretoria, the cultural village and lion park. Shooting through all the traffic in the city of Johannesburg is an exciting experience.

Sama Tours interview by Weekend Weekly Sama Tours interview by Weekend Weekly Sama Tours interview by Weekend Weekly Sama Tours interview by Weekend Weekly

Sama Tours Whale Watching Sama Tours Whale Watching Sama Tours Whale Watching Sama Tours Whale Watching

宝马骑士非洲行 - 赫曼努斯追踪鲸鱼游

宝马骑士非洲行每年一次的赫曼努斯(Hermanus)赏鲸定点游会于今年九月六日出发。 为期18天,参加人数最少一人,保证成行。 这个赏鲸团经过7个赏鲸地点; 行程包括到世界第三大峡谷, 唯一一个绿色峡谷的布莱德河峡谷(Blyde River Canyon), 峡谷源头Bourke's Luck Potholes, 茂盛森林中的上帝之窗(God's Window)和 Mount Sheba 自然保护区-以原生森林和丰富的鸟种闻名。 後于克鲁格国家公园(Kruger National Park)寻找五大动物足迹。 經过史瓦濟兰(Swaziland)参观当地著名的玻璃及蜡烛工场, 再到作为联合国世界自然遗产的圣路西亞湿地公园(St Lucia Wetland Park), 感受自然生态的魅力。 沿夸祖鲁-纳塔尔省(Kwazulu Natal)岸, 从印度洋开始追踪鲸鱼的踪影, 经过德班(Durban), 狂野海岸(the Wild coast), 东伦敦(East London), 从伊丽莎白港(Port Elizabeth)進入花园大道(Garden Route)。 途经奥茨胡恩(Oudtshoorn), 纳斯那(Knysna), 赫曼努斯(Hermanus), 最後以好望角(Cape Point)為终点。 花园大道南下全是赏鲸的最佳地点。 行程住宿3-4星旅馆。 查询18天的赫曼努斯追踪鲸鱼游明细,请点击此处

Sama Tours – Whale Watching tour

Every year, Sama Tours will have a guided scheduled tour to Hermanus for its reputable whaling watching. This year the tour starts on 06 September for 18 days. It is a guaranteed departure welcoming any individual participant. The whale watching tour passes 7 out of the 10 best whale watching sites in Africa; the trip includes visiting Blyde River Canyon - the third largest and only green canyon in the world, Bourke’s Luck Potholes - the beginning of the spectacular canyon, God’s Window that is embraced by the lush forests and the Mount Sheba Nature Reserve which is known for its indigenous forest and prolific bird life. The tour continues to enter the Kruger National Park, tracing the big five, passing Swaziland to visit its glass and candle making factories. As the World Heritage Site, St. Lucia Wetland Park is a must to visit for the appreciation of how glamorous the world’s most ecologically sensitive area could be. Along the KwaZulu Natal coast, one could start spotting the whale in the Indian Ocean, moving southbound passing Durban, the Wild coast, East London and entering the Garden Route from Port Elizabeth. Followed by the visit to Oudtshoorn, Knysna, Hermanus and Cape Point where the trip ended. The Garden Route has several best viewing points for whaling watching. The accommodation is 3-4 star lodges.

To enquire about the 18days Whale Watching tour, please click here.

Sama Tours Whale Watching Sama Tours Whale Watching Sama Tours Whale Watching Sama Tours Whale Watching
Africa Panda Enterprise Ltd
15th Floor VTC Tower
27 Wood Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong
Tel : +852 2291 3310
Fax : +852 2291 3388
Mobile : +852 6601 2206
E-mail : info@africapanda.com
Website : www.africapanda.com