宝马骑士非洲行 - Sama Tours

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宝马骑士非洲行产品榮获德国莱茵TÜV集团的质量认证。产品种类分:指定出发日期的定点游及灵活日期行程安排两种。最新的产品推介为18天的维多利亞大瀑布游。行程经过国家包括南非,博茨瓦纳,赞比亞和纳米比亞。定点游会在2009年六月出发,为期18天,参加人数最少一人,保证成行。这个非洲之旅行程有很多特点;包括在南非凌波波河岸(Limpopo River)渡宿,咛听近在只尺的狮子咆哮;观赏全世界最大的盐盘湖(Makgadigadi pans)及博茨瓦纳的乔贝(Chobe)野生動物保护区;一睹赞比亞的维多利亞大瀑布(Victoria Falls),赞叹鬼府神功的自然奇景,壮观的洪水会令你闻声却步;再到纳米比亞的奥卡万戈三角洲(Namibian Okavango Deltas)等地,那里有丰富的生态;後转到另一个极端,在斯瓦科普蒙德(Swakopmund)的沙丘上滑翔;亦一定不会错过世界一大狭谷的风采(Fish River Canyon);然後从纳米比亞返回南非北开普的卡鲁(Karoo)植物平原上,再继续开普敦之旅。行程住宿3-4星旅馆及营地。



New Product Launched

Sama Tours is certified by the German TUV Rheinland Service Quality System (SQS) for their service of full-guided motorbike adventure tour operations. Sama Tours has 2 categories of product: Scheduled guided tour and Tailor made guided tour. The latest product for recommendation is the 18 Days Victoria Falls Tour. The tour will visit countries like South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Namibia. The scheduled tour would be departed in June 2009, for 18days, minimum requirement of participant is one and it is a guaranteed departure. There are a lot of highlights in the trip including: Overnight at the South Africa Limpopo River banks, listen to the roaring of lions closest to you; visit the largest salt pans Makgadigadi pans and Botswana’s Chobe game reserve; then visit the Victoria Falls at Zambia, amazed by the wonders of nature, the thunders of water shocks you to keep a distance; visit the Namibian Okavango Deltas to see the various wildlife; turn to another extreme, surfing on the sand dune of Swakopmund; make sure not to miss one of the largest Canyons in the world – Fish River Canyon; then return to South Africa from Namibia and visit the beautiful Karoo succulent plant life in Northern Cape, continue with exploring in Cape Town. The accommodation is 3-4 star lodging and luxury campsites.

To enquire about the new product – 18days Victoria Falls tour, please click here.

Africa Panda Enterprise Ltd
15th Floor VTC Tower
27 Wood Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong
Tel : +852 2291 3310
Fax : +852 2291 3388
Mobile : +852 6601 2206
E-mail : info@africapanda.com
Website : www.africapanda.com