宝马骑士非洲行 - Sama Tours - 2009/02

Sama Tours 2009 World Superbike Tour
锦标赛详情, 请按此登陆网站 | Details about this championship, please click here


宝马骑士非洲行2009年新推出包含南非旅游及观赏世界超级摩托车锦标赛的定点行程。 今年的世界超级摩托车锦标赛在南非约翰尼斯堡举行, 为期3天, 从五月十五日到十匕日。 定点行程包括7天南非及斯威士兰游(Swaziland) - 经过Hazyview 到达峡谷源头Bourke's Luck Potholes, 有绵延数英里茂盛的森林和优美的徒步旅行小径, 再到著名观景点上帝之窗(God's Window)。 又进入非洲顶级的野生动物保护区-克鲁格国家公园(Kruger National Park)寻找五大动物足迹。 再經过斯威士兰参观当地著名的玻璃及蜡烛工场。 最後3天留于约翰尼斯堡观赏赛事。 锦标赛门票及往返赛车场接送已包括于团费内。 参加人数最少一人,保证成行。 此外亦欢迎自助组团出发。 查询行程明细,请点击此处。 锦标赛详情, 请按此登陆网站。

Sama Tours –
2009 World Superbike Tour

Sama Tours has launched its new scheduled tour - the World Superbike Tour to combine touring South Africa and viewing the World Superbike Championship. This chapter of the World Superbike Championship will be held at Kyalami Race Track in Johannesberg, South Africa from the 15 - 17 May 2009. The sightseeing itinerary includes South Africa and Swaziland. It includes Hazyview to the beginning of the spectacular Blyde River Canyon - Bourke’s Luck Potholes. With miles of lush forests and superb hiking trails, it reaches the most famous viewpoint – God’s Window. Followed by entering the Africa’s flagship game reserve, best known for its Big Five - the Kruger National Park. The tour then passes Swaziland to visit its glass and candle making factories. The last 3 days will be based in Johannesberg, enjoying the opporunity to view the superbikes live in Africa. The pass for all three days of the Championship and all transfers to and from the racetrack is included in tour package. Minimum 1 person and guaranteed departure. Sama Tours also have tailored made group itinerary. For more information about the itinerary, please click here. Details about this championship, please click here.

Sama Tours 2009 World Superbike Tour Sama Tours 2009 World Superbike Tour Sama Tours 2009 World Superbike Tour
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Hong Kong
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