宝马骑士非洲行 - Sama Tours - 2008/08

Sama Tours new 10 Days Motorcycle Train Tour Sama Tours new 10 Days Motorcycle Train Tour Sama Tours new 10 Days Motorcycle Train Tour Sama Tours new 10 Days Motorcycle Train Tour

- 新十天机车火车南北行程

宝马骑士非洲行一向为不同旅客提供创新的行程, 今年亦推出了集合机车及火车的十天南北精华游: 定点游于08年9,10,11月 及 09年2,3,4,9,10月出发。 为期10天,参加人数最少一人,保证成行。 精华游所到之处包括最受欢迎的克鲁格国家公园 (Kruger National Park) 及开普敦, 同时也体验机车及火车的旅游乐趣。 行程经过 Hazyview 到峡谷源头 Bourke's Luck Potholes, 有绵延数英里茂盛的森林和优美的徒步小径, 再到这峡谷最著名的观景点上帝之窗 (God's Window)。 进入非洲顶级的野生动物保护区-克鲁格国家公园寻找五大动物足迹。 經过史瓦濟兰 (Swaziland) 参观当地著名的玻璃及蜡烛工场, 折返南非首都比勒陀利亚 (Pretoria)。 翌日载同机车登上往开普敦的火车, 过一个舒适特别的晚上。 到达西开普的 Worcester, 骑上机车经水果出产区 Ceres, 再向南非的母亲城开普敦市进发, 探索她的历史、文化、购物及独特的酒乡; 途中观光 V&A 海滨广场 (Victoria & Alfred Waterfront), 十二门徒山 (Twelve Apostles), 好望角 (Cape Point), 酒乡 Franschoek, Paarl 及 Stellenbosch 等地区。 最後到赏鲸最佳地点赫曼努斯 (Hermanus)。 行程住宿3-4星旅馆。 查询10天的机车火车南北精华游明细,请点击此处。以英文版行程介绍为准。

Sama Tours
– 10 Days Motorcycle Train Tour

Sama Tours aims at new innovative itinerary to suit different tourists. It has recently launched a new 10 days Motorcycle Train Tour which combines the jewels of North and South. The schedule tour departs in the following months: 9,10,11 of 2008 and 2,3,4,9,10 of 2009. It is a 10 days tour, which is a guaranteed departure welcoming any individual participant. The tour visits the popular destinations: Kruger National Park and Cape Town, it experiences the joy of touring by motorcycle and train. The tour passes Hazyview, Bourke’s Luck Potholes - the beginning of the spectacular canyon and the famous sightseeing point of God’s Window that is embraced by the lush forests. It continues to enter the Kruger National Park, tracing the big five. On its way back to the South Africa Capital - Pretoria, it visits Swaziland and drops by its glass and candle making factories. The next day, with their motorcycle, everyone boards the JB train to Cape Town. Experiencing a special night on the train, the motorcycle tour starts again from Western Cape Worcester. The tour then passes the fruit farming region – Ceres and continues the journey to the “Mother City” Cape Town. Exploring the history, the culture, shopping and wine routes, the tour visits Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, Twelve Apostles, Cape Point, and wine routes like Franschoek, Paarl and Stellenbosch etc. Lastly it arrives Hermanus – the best viewing point for whaling watching. The accommodation is 3-4 star lodging.

To enquire about the 10days Motorcycle Train Tour, please click here.

Africa Panda Enterprise Ltd
15th Floor VTC Tower
27 Wood Road, Wanchai
Hong Kong
Tel : +852 2291 3310
Fax : +852 2291 3388
Mobile : +852 6601 2206
E-mail : info@africapanda.com
Website : www.africapanda.com